Ever known someone with a particular sound? Can you tell who has walked up behind you because you heard their steps?
Shortly after getting my first pair of combat boots I adorned them with a chain bridle. It wrapped around the ankle with a connecting strand wrapping between heel and forward sole. As I walked, the chain rang out like a lone spur from an old western.
When I worked as a high school security guard I had a giant ring of keys that would slap my hip. If students got caught, they weren’t listening. Still amazes me how often I stumbled on people in various states of undress. Seriously, I was the anti-ninja.
My old leather jacket has chains and metal bits that strike each other. Even the old leather has a sound as it moves.
Our sound can identify us as much as our speech, appearance, and actions. We can craft those sounds.
Today’s sound brought to you by…

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