The time has come to switch gears.
A good winter for snowboarding. Some great runs. Will certainly get a few more.
Surf is calling me once more. Far too long since I’ve gotten wet. From the ocean we come. To it I must return.
Bike is in good shape for commuting. Longboard has some awesome new fat wheels. The corridor will get traffic.
And then there’s running. My fitness journey started with running. Running remains the foundation. Solid. Dependable. I’ve got new shoes and a new promise to myself; any day I don’t bike commute I wake up early and run.
This winter proved rough for me. The bike cracked a hub. Weather got extra harsh. I let myself fall into a slump, put on some winter weight, and saw my mood sink.
But it’s spring. I’ve reasserted my goals and laid out a plan to reach them.
Hardest among them is beer. I love IPA. I love it so much that I drink too much of it on the weekends. Counterproductive to my goals and I know it.
So next two months, limit is one a day. My secret weapon is kombucha. I can keep myself to one kombucha when I crave a beer. Keeping myself to one beer when I crave a beer is sometimes harder.

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