I am trying to gather funds for a place where I can have a larger studio. Maybe some more lighting as well. by
Growing up in the eighties meant you had to encounter the awesome red and black color schemes. From basketball shoes to misappropriation of Japanese culture, somewhere around you was the red and black. These long-boarding slide gloves are done up… Continue Reading →
I used to make these polymer clay totem heads all the time. I gave them to friends and told they would guarantee a safe journey through their visions. Apparently I knew a few things back then that I have forgotten…. Continue Reading →
My new glasses have arrived. Prepare the dirigible! by
A rare glimpse into my personal journals. I often refer to my paintings as post-psychedelic. This eludes to a little of that. by
Sometimes we need a good challenge to motivate us. This site remains neglected. Meant to kick it off at the beginning of the year and just never quite got around to it. Wanted to do something big, beautiful, and special…. Continue Reading →
I’ve never made art that looks like the thing it is supposed to be. That is a lie. I can and have. Give me a few months to focus on the skills and I can do a decent job with… Continue Reading →
To celebrate my body modification (getting in shape per my doctor’s recommendation), I got a body modification. Pics later, but this is the tattoo I have started with Marc Jordan. by
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