J Art Roth



Skate Time

Broken skateboard clock! Spent a little extra to get USA made clock movements. This is the test subject. If the clock reads the same time tomorrow, things are either working properly or I waited exactly 12 or 24 hours to… Continue Reading →

Put A Skull On It


Talk Like a Pirate Day

How do you talk like a pirate? Spend all day on a sailing vessel and then drink a bottle of rum. This will cause you to talk like a pirate. by

Dirty Filthy Pirate

Our home made soap from fats. by


This morning I reviewed yesterday’s post. I lied. This belt represents the last assemblage piece I made. by

Retro Forward

Growing up in the eighties meant you had to encounter the awesome red and black color schemes. From basketball shoes to misappropriation of Japanese culture,  somewhere around you was the red and black. These long-boarding slide gloves are done up… Continue Reading →

Toolbox Topper


Surfboard Paint Job – YouTube

Test to insert video. by

Surfboard Painting

I think Skully originated when I got my first custom surfboard. I had been toying with all sorts of serious paint schemes and then thought of doing something fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOqnLndq81Q&feature=player_embedded#t=7 by

Skully Jacket

Sometimes I just want to create something fun. For that, I have Skully. Skully has shown up on a lot of things. Here he is on a vintage military surplus jacket. by

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