J Art Roth

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aka Cosmo Fish aka Nuit Study #2 by

Two Versions of a Starry Night

Time and again we turn our heads skywards late at night. Sometimes we stare into eternity and sometimes into the abyss because it is both and neither depending on who we are at that time. Though time is inextricable from… Continue Reading →

Daily Meditation

Way back in my cult days I attended a workshop with a best selling author and occultist. During this workshop he was trying to demonstrate the power of using visualization that triggers multiple senses while meditating. At one point he… Continue Reading →

The Snowden Effect

Wired did a fantastic job with the Snowden cover. And when I sat down to breakfast the light hit it just so for this cool effect. No filters on this. Just glad the camera could capture the magic. by

Chopper Basics

Some old art of mine. She was stolen 4 years ago and I still miss her. by

In Through the Front Door

Light reflecting off of the porch and up through the front door window onto the wall. Happy Friday! by


I got a smoking deal on ebay for a drive center for the Shopsmith. It arrived today. Bonus; it came with a Chick Tract! Honestly, these things are even funnier than the parodies. by

This Banjo Kills Fascists

I know this guy in a band. He plays mandolin and banjo in the band. It’s a REALLY good band. While I enjoy hanging out with him and the band, it’s even better when I get to hang out with… Continue Reading →

Predator Smurf

If it bleeds, we can kill it. PVC primer and PVC cement on concrete. Whoever uses the shop after me will probably have a bit of a WTF moment. by

One Microscopic Cog

A rare early piece. Very much a part of my early experimentation with acrylics, impasto, and abstract expressionism. Also one of my canvas pieces. Most of my painting happens on pressboard. by

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