J Art Roth

Page 9 of 13

Work, Play, Art

Precision ground blocks and cylindrical rare earth magnets combined for an aesthetically pleasing assemblage. Somebody was having fun at work. by

Test Balls

Polymer clay blending tests. A different method was tried with each to blend the marbling with the solids. For those who don’t know, you can microwave polymer clay. Works best on smaller pieces like these. Place the items in a… Continue Reading →



Make Some Noise

Ever known someone with a particular sound? Can you tell who has walked up behind you because you heard their steps? Shortly after getting my first pair of combat boots I adorned them with a chain bridle. It wrapped around… Continue Reading →

Thursday Red & Black

Dry. A few embellishments. Dry some more. Then it can go outside into some natural lighting for a decent picture. by

Flair Up

Will not call it PTSD since it really doesn’t negatively impact my quality of life. Every now and again it gets triggered. My mind goes back to the whole ordeal and I get mad as hell. Today it started with… Continue Reading →

Giant in Space

I am trying to gather funds for a place where I can have a larger studio. Maybe some more lighting as well. by

Decade of Dirty

July marks my ten year anniversary with my employer. Lies! That doesn’t include the time I spent as a temp (5 months).  Nor does it reflect that the company hired me got bought up and more or less no longer… Continue Reading →

Retro Forward

Growing up in the eighties meant you had to encounter the awesome red and black color schemes. From basketball shoes to misappropriation of Japanese culture,  somewhere around you was the red and black. These long-boarding slide gloves are done up… Continue Reading →

One, Two, Hands of Blue


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