Something odd happened this morning. Remember my post a few days back about the hell known as 400m intervals? Today I found an exception to that hell. Today’s workout agenda: 2 sets of 3x 400m intervals. First set went exactly… Continue Reading →
Hydration is the second key element in any fitness program. Second? Yes, second. It goes like this; Oxygen Water Food Activity You can only survive a few minutes without oxygen, a few days without water, a week or two without… Continue Reading →
You can never go home. Vacation lands me in the Midwest town of my birth, the place I grew up. While not a tiny town, certainly the kind of place where everyone had shaken the hand of the mayor at… Continue Reading →
A great way to spend a floating holiday! Running has given me great stamina. My weight routines have definitely helped with my pop-ups. My legs felt incredibly sore after the drive home. Personal trick for sore legs; go for a… Continue Reading →
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