J Art Roth



Bob Roth

Have a strange desire to paint some landscapes. And then to paint my usual style over them with UV ink and epoxy. by

Talk Like a Pirate Day

How do you talk like a pirate? Spend all day on a sailing vessel and then drink a bottle of rum. This will cause you to talk like a pirate. by


aka Cosmo Fish aka Nuit Study #2 by

Two Versions of a Starry Night

Time and again we turn our heads skywards late at night. Sometimes we stare into eternity and sometimes into the abyss because it is both and neither depending on who we are at that time. Though time is inextricable from… Continue Reading →

This Banjo Kills Fascists

I know this guy in a band. He plays mandolin and banjo in the band. It’s a REALLY good band. While I enjoy hanging out with him and the band, it’s even better when I get to hang out with… Continue Reading →

One Microscopic Cog

A rare early piece. Very much a part of my early experimentation with acrylics, impasto, and abstract expressionism. Also one of my canvas pieces. Most of my painting happens on pressboard. by

Thursday Red & Black

Dry. A few embellishments. Dry some more. Then it can go outside into some natural lighting for a decent picture. by





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