J Art Roth

Page 11 of 13

The Joys of Pain

My body amazes me. Last night I went snowboarding. Lots of things worked against me. The snow had been trashed by holiday vacationers for a week. Warm day time temperatures had caused a lot of melting. It resulted in a… Continue Reading →

The Secret to Losing Weight

This is a little embarrassing for me, but I want to share. I want to share because while it is embarrassing, it is also inspiring and a source of pride. And I have learned the secret to easy weight loss… Continue Reading →


I meant to lay down a color base and let it dry. Once I had the base color applied I couldn’t stop. by

Unstoppable Sunday

Today’s activity: 5 mile run 60 squats 30 push-ups 60 lunge squats 60 dumbbell rows 2 minute wood plank Stretches before and after and I still finished in under an hour. My arms and waist also have a nice burn… Continue Reading →



Monday Morning First

After my morning run I stopped at the school playground. I do this 2-3 times a week. But this morning something different happened. Instead of trying to do a chin-up, I did a chin-up! Haven’t done that since high school…. Continue Reading →

Panic at Midnight

  Colored pencil, india ink, and white correction fluid. by

Cheech and Chong; Immortal?

Will the stoner humor of comedy duo Cheech and Chong survive marijuana legalization? I hadn’t really thought about it before, but a good amount of their comedy, especially in their films, hinges on their interactions with law enforcement and pot… Continue Reading →

Eggs and Bacon

5 Ways to Spice Up Eggs and Bacon (And a Request) | Nerd Fitness. The Bacon Egg Cup recipe using muffin tins is genius! What a perfect post workout breakfast. by

Tall and Skinny, Red and Black

I like having this piece sitting around the house. Would you? by

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