J Art Roth

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Cleaning the Board

She has cleaned up well. Ready for a final stripping with acetone. Next comes the new paint job. Often I find my pieces have a lot more time invested in preparation than in execution. And another Sam photo bomb, of… Continue Reading →

rED is Dead

One time I opened my red paint and this gelatinous goo squeezed out. The consistency of the pigment determined the outcome of this piece. by

Indian Head

There is a break just north of Cannon Beach called Indian Beach. The surfers usually call it Indian Head or just Indian. On the really good days, especially during the cold seasons, the surf gets progressively better the farther north… Continue Reading →

Dirty Filthy Pirate

Our home made soap from fats. by

Floating Holiday

A great way to spend a floating holiday! Running has given me great stamina. My weight routines have definitely helped with my pop-ups. My legs felt incredibly sore after the drive home. Personal trick for sore legs; go for a… Continue Reading →

New Toy

So this happened tonight… by

Monkey Girl

India Ink & Correction Fluid by

Sunday Project

What do I have planned for today’s creative endeavor? Rounding up materials should have taken one stop instead of three. Luckily all three were within one block of each other. With just a holesaw, marker, and tape provided from existing… Continue Reading →

Panic At Midnight

Colored pencil, India ink, correction fluid,  and my favorite marker paper, Bienfang Graphics 360. Used a bamboo kabob skewer for a stylus. by

Totally Fab

Fabrication works best when I plan my work and then work my plan. Take measurements, do a dimensional drawing, label everything along the way. Totally opposite of the completely extemporaneous and emotional way I paint. by

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