J Art Roth

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Gym Time

Thursday mornings mean time at the gym. The gym looks vacant at 5:00 AM with all the equipment open. Great time for a workout! Credit where due. My “gym” routines originate with Nerd Fitness and Scooby. They do great work…. Continue Reading →


For many years my passion lay in the theater. Had years of training. Acting, building sets, making props, sound and lighting design, even directing. Did some film and video work as well. Every few years I still volunteer as an… Continue Reading →


This morning I reviewed yesterday’s post. I lied. This belt represents the last assemblage piece I made. by

Art From Waste

In grade 6 art instructor John Fure introduced me to the concept of assemblage sculpture. For the next 6 years that single form of creative expression played the second greatest roll in my life. I can’t remember exactly what I… Continue Reading →

Land Down Under

Since middle school there have been two places consistently at the top of my travel list. Australia Space While not completely out of the game, space seems like a bit of a long shot right now. That is why I… Continue Reading →

Clean It Up

The longboard used to look so pretty. Several years of surfing and waxing have left her a mere shadow of her former beauty. So today Sam and I will start the clean up process. Then she will get all new… Continue Reading →

To The Kill

I took the time and laid in some extra details on this one. Sometimes I just can’t lay down the lines thick enough the first couple of times. I wait and lay down more. I wonder if the blind would… Continue Reading →

Bathroom Mirror Fitness Selfie

Go to any fitness forum and you will see the obligatory bathroom mirror fitness selfie. The last two years of running have earned me praise from my doctor for the health benefits. I am in the best cardio-vascular condition of… Continue Reading →

Damaged Goods

Unfortunately this painting suffered some slight damage. I will fix it the best I can. Then my wife can hang it in her office when she starts her fantastic new job in August! by

Chinese Pirate Girls With Crabs

Look, it’s been a long, hot day for me. My heat index monitor topped out at 150F at one point. Not going to put a lot of effort into this one. So today I give you Chinese Pirate Girls with… Continue Reading →

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