J Art Roth



Skate Time

Broken skateboard clock! Spent a little extra to get USA made clock movements. This is the test subject. If the clock reads the same time tomorrow, things are either working properly or I waited exactly 12 or 24 hours to… Continue Reading →

Shopsmith Part

We wanted a drill chuck to make full use of the Shopsmith’s functionality. The Shopsmith has a 5/8″ stem on the lathe head. Not a common size for drill chucks. Used ones seemed fairly cheap on ebay. Looked into new… Continue Reading →

Rivet Setter

Sometimes you need a custom tool fast. You look to see what you have on hand, get creative, and save the day. Custom brake pad rivet setter for a 60 ton punch press flywheel clutch/brake assembly made from a salvaged… Continue Reading →

the Freight Train

A friend was telling an apprentice about my awesome, custom, assemblage sculpturesque toolbox. Story; My first benchtop toolbox was the brown mortar shell box. Didn’t need much at the time and it was CHEAP! Next came the black rollaway. Again,… Continue Reading →

Dirty Filthy Pirate

Our home made soap from fats. by

Sunday Project

What do I have planned for today’s creative endeavor? Rounding up materials should have taken one stop instead of three. Luckily all three were within one block of each other. With just a holesaw, marker, and tape provided from existing… Continue Reading →

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