May or may not run in Portland’s Run Like Hell half marathon. Probably will… not commit to anything on this. doing the training ‘just in case’. Adjusting my diet as though it will happen. Just not saying it will happen for certain, or at all. Especially since the biggest reason to run is to get the really awesome finisher’s medal which is totally not worth the entry fee. But I might. Or I might not.
But ‘just in case’ I did order some training supplements from Hammer Nutrition. Not an endorsement. Just saying that my trainer for my first half marathon insisted on Hammer and nothing else. My research into other supplement companies shows he had good reasons to stick with Hammer and so I choose to as well.
One reason I like Hammer Nutrition is they are a USA made product. When it comes to digestibles it always helps to get them from a country where there is at least a minimum level of scrutiny and accountability about what gets used.
Saw the box when I got home today and thought it would be awesome if they included one of those big stickers in the box for me. No big sticker. But they gave me a free bottle. And YES! Made in USA. Maybe a sticker next time? Thanks.

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