This is how a typical set of 3 x 400 meter sprints should go;

100m – Good pace. I got this.

200m – Yeah, that’s the burn. I’m flying now. Almost done.

300m – Um, yeah. Very nearly done.

350m – Fairly certain my GPS gave out. That has to have been 400.

375m – MUST (pant pant pant) GET (pant pant pant) OXYGEN!!!

395m – My legs are going to crumble out from under me and I will suffer a very nasty road rash or my heart will explode and I will die.

399m – I hate life. I hate living. If I died right now this would all end.

400m – Victory! Wait, I have two more of these things to do? What kind of sick sadistic bastard came up with this crap?

1 minute later – This time will be different…

Of course it isn’t. My coach told me that you know you are doing 400’s correctly when you hate them.

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