J Art Roth



Morning Ponderance

I have a hard time accepting that there are people perfectly happy to lead a normal existence pursuing the status quo. by

Perpich Impact Statement

In response to a request for how the Perpich Center for Arts Education has impacted me: Lots of folks say “Perpich saved my life.” It is possibly true for me as well. But I wish to approach this from a… Continue Reading →


Let’s face it, I’ve been remiss in my blogging. Online presence in general has declined for me. Time to take that back. This blog is supposed to be a repository for creative exploits and inspirations. Great. Where’s the creativity? For… Continue Reading →

Why Thorstead?

My partner and I love Norse mythology. The property was described as a flag lot. We did not see a flag. We saw a short handled hammer. Mjölnir was a short handled hammer. Thus the property inherited the name of… Continue Reading →

Taking the Giant out of the Cave

We’re closing a deal on a new space! If you would like to help move the giant and his partner-in-crimes-against-reality, consider a contribution. There is art available to contributors! by

Clock Mock

Mock up of clock idea. Shh. Wife is sleeping. Can’t break out power tools yet. by

Pain and Fear

Lots of digitizing of old VHS. Then hit a block. A personal block. I lined up the tapes in the order I wanted to transfer them and now I have stopped. Last night I watched Shaun White’s Russia Calling. He’s… Continue Reading →

Friday Morning Reflections

The last couple of days have had me delving back into the realms of cognitive psychology. by

Alien Dog Broken Skate

Art supplies and Doggies from Sirius. Seems I am back from hiatus. by

Once In A Lifetime

The trick with a once in a lifetime opportunity is to recognize it when it comes along, jump on it, and don’t let go until the ride is over. Realized I had a handful of once in a lifetime opportunities… Continue Reading →

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