J Art Roth



Rapid Time Pieces

Whipped these out this afternoon. Coke clock was made with a particular recipient in mind. Beer Thirty Skate could be yours. by

Clock Mock

Mock up of clock idea. Shh. Wife is sleeping. Can’t break out power tools yet. by

A Grip of Art

Keep forgetting how much art has accumulated in my tiny studio space. Maybe I should get it ready to hang and sell a few? by

Put A Skull On It


Alien Dog Broken Skate

Art supplies and Doggies from Sirius. Seems I am back from hiatus. by

Talk Like a Pirate Day

How do you talk like a pirate? Spend all day on a sailing vessel and then drink a bottle of rum. This will cause you to talk like a pirate. by

Dropping Lines

Pinpointing the exact moment I started to forget my lines… Started acting at the age of 10. Did anywhere from three to six plays a year every year until the age of 17. During that period I remembered every line… Continue Reading →

Rock Paper Scissors

Took my young nephew to a renaissance faire. Afterwards we sat together in the back of the family truckster playing some strange version of rock paper scissors in which he kept wanting to grant the winner new skills with special… Continue Reading →


aka Cosmo Fish aka Nuit Study #2 by

Two Versions of a Starry Night

Time and again we turn our heads skywards late at night. Sometimes we stare into eternity and sometimes into the abyss because it is both and neither depending on who we are at that time. Though time is inextricable from… Continue Reading →

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